Amap shows Joe Biden’s net approval ratings among registered voters in different states, revealing the large regional differences in how the president is viewed by the electorate heading into the 2024 election.
According to a tracking survey by pollsters Civiqs, last updated on Sunday, overall the president has a net approval rating nationwide of -22 percent, with 57 percent disapproving of the job he is doing and 35 percent approving. This is roughly in line with other approval rating tracking surveys.
A breakdown shows that a majority of all age brackets and both male and female voters disapprove of Biden. While 73 percent of Democrat voters approved of his leadership, 96 percent of Republicans and 65 percent of independents disapprove.
Biden’s disapproval rating has outstripped his approval since August 2021, and his favorability is lower than those of previous presidents who went on to win a second term at the same point in their first as far back as Ronald Reagan.
He has NO approval rating !!! None Approve !!!
I would suggest that the approval level of Marylanders of this geriatric pedophile does NOT reflect the Eastern Shore!
Approval Rating by ENEMY’s of America is Excellent !!!!!! Russia / China / North Korea / Iran !!!!!!
ZERO !!! for a ZERO !!!
How in the world could anyone approve of the job he’s done? He’s been on vacation nearly 40% of his presidency, and has missed or completely mishandled every issue to come his way. I mean , seriously, what loon would approve of that?
Hate how some Enemy of America like him gets treated like Royalty daily everywhere he goes !! FAKE President !! Not a Real one !!!