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Yale Reinstituting Standardized Tests For Admission

After a humiliating year for elite universities, culminating in the Presidents of UPenn, MIT and Harvard embarrassing themselves in front of congress before Harvard’s Claudine Gay was slapped with plagiarism allegations, it looks like a small sliver of common sense could be making its way back to the Ivy League.

That’s because it was reported last week that Yale is once again instituting standardized tests for admission after years of keeping them optional for “DEI” reasons.

The university’s undergraduate admissions dean announced a change in their student selection process amidst ongoing debate over the efficacy of traditional tests. Critics argue these exams don’t fully capture a student’s potential, suggesting high school GPAs as a more accurate measure. The move, seen as a step towards fairness for disadvantaged students, aligns Yale with institutions like Harvard, MIT, and Dartmouth, which have already adjusted their admissions policies, according to The Daily Mail.


2 thoughts on “Yale Reinstituting Standardized Tests For Admission”

  1. Too late- the bloom is off the rose. People no longer think of the universoty as a place of learning. They now realize that the university is nothing more than an indoctrination center and a gatekeeper- nothing more.

    Salisbury says- “the future is yours”- How, exactly? College kids who cannot and will not read. Who cannot and will not think rationally and dispassionanately about a any controversial subject. How exactly are they prefaped for the future? Becuase they have a piece of pape saying they spent four years drinking and whoring at a third rate educational warehouse?

    Ah, but they think the correct thoughts now. White men are bad. There are no such things as males and females. There is no truth or objective reality- only power. Diversity is our (only) strength. War is peace.

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