Turncoat Mike Pence was in the news again after announcing he was spending $20 million to fight the Republican Party’s turn to populism.
Mike Pence made this announcement to slow down President Trump. Once again dirty Mike Pence is doing the will of the DC elites and Democrats to hurt Donald Trump and the country.
Pence is most famous for misleading 75 million Trump voters into thinking he had the balls to challenge the suspect 2020 election results in six battleground states.
Pence lied about this and folded like a lawn chair. After his actions riots broke out on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, after police started firing rubber bullets, gas cannisters, and smoke bombs on the Trump protesters outside the US Capitol.
RINO pence is just starving for attention. Ignore him and he will go away. Him or his agenda are no threat to Trump. His 15 minutes of fame is over. Bye mikey
This TRAITOR should be on his way to PRISON for those STOLEN DOCS & the 2020 Democrat COUP !!!!!!
Hidden dangers of the rainbow..we are surrounded by luciferian POS.
They come in all forms..
Biggest Republican disappointment for his Jan 6 failure to honor requests from several states to review electors improperly certified, etc.
Close second is total sellout Paul Ryan.
Shame on both.
Where does he get this kind of money on a Govt Salary ???? BRIBES ???