Americans suffer from climate catastrophe fatigue after leftist corporate media outlets push endless climate doom headlines that seemingly never come true. Another round of climate doom headlines came this week at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Many elites attending the event who spoke and or commented on the sidelines sound like broken records. They warn of imminent doom that never comes.
While the rest of us who don’t have private jets and gas-guzzling motorcades live in reality, the Lower 48 has been battered by a multi-week polar vortex blast of cold air that has made life absolutely painful. On top of freezing temperatures, snowstorms have hit many parts of the US.
No Global Warming LIE !!!! Winter here / it is COLD !!!!! Solved Earth takes care of itself !!!
No Warming / it is FREEZING Winter !!!!! Earth don’t need the Democrats & AL GORE !!!!!!! All is Fine
Democrat Party is the DOOM !!!!
AL Gore Scared to Death !!! WINTER not Global Warming !!!!
Global Warming Solved > Winter !!!
The truth is this- the magnetic poles are going to flip soon. Thats why animals (like birds and deer) have been acting strangely. There is going to be some kind of major catastophe involving the sun and the earth soon.
The elite cannot tell the truth or they will cause mass panic. So the global colling/global heating/ climate change hoax is all a cover for THEM to get prepared and make YOU feel bad about it. Thats why Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, etc are building massive bunkers for themselves. They KNOW that climate change is a hoax. They know YOU know that climate change is a hoax. That way, THEY can build massive bunkers and make you feel like a jerk on the outside, wondering what is going on.
Also, that is why the mass immigration is happening. This isn’t about the election. It IS about having enough population after the coming event to survive.
The poles are flipping soon. Mass chaos, mass panic, mass death. They know it, but they do not want YOU to know it.
Can you explain how the poles are going to flip and why? What you you smoking 12:35?
Pleas tell us all how animals are acting funny 12:35
12:35……………….From what sources do you get this information?
google broken on your computer?
No 10:06, foolgle is not broken on my computer, but I do know that google has been known to scene facts and only publish what meets their agenda.