This is pathetic and getting, gradually, worse. Our first meeting with them, 2 years ago, was in the kitchen with about 20 chairs. There was no subject- prior appointment and no time limit. We had Channel 47 there. It was cordial and informative. There were no token adversary Democrats present. Now, our 5th meeting, we meet in the voting machine’s storage room, 3 chairs, narrow hallway, appointment only subject speaking with a clock ticking, 5 minute time limit and 2, obviously, adversarial- contrary Democrat plants. Is this Worcester County?
they know nothing is to become of the meetings and only Republicans are going to say something
Remember > No Machines / No Software / No Mail ins / No Drop Boxes / CHECK ID’s !!!!!!!
Salisbury Already offering MAIL-INS !!!!!!!! Cheating ALREADY like 2020 !!!!!!
Salisbury doesn’t even have a Bd or Elections plus Salisbury’s elections are already over you M 0 R 0 N!!
Welcome to Less Moore’s Maryland!
Democrat Hell Hole !!!
WOKE GO BROKE !!!! Keep that in mind !!!
NO more Democrat Cheating > CHECK ID’s !!!!!!!! NO Mail is / NO Drop boxes !!!!!! / NO Software !!!!!!
NO more Democrat Cheating > CHECK ID’s !!!!!!!! NO Mail ins / NO Drop boxes !!!!!! / NO Software !!!!!!
No More Democrat Insurrection !!!!!!
Maryland’s voter rolls are filled with unqualified voters. In Somerset County, the election director confessed just before the 2022 election that the undeliverable mail rate was 10% and this does not include deceased voters still registered. A brief review confirms that their are hundreds possible thousands of voters registered in Somerset that are active and voting elsewhere.
Two years ago the Board was majority Republican. Now it is majority Democrat.
I think that pretty much says it all.
What Election Board????? It helps if you finish the name?? Was it the state, Worcester or Wicomico Board of Elections??
Worcester, I was there, behind the red tape line.