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Islam and the persuasive power of fear

Of the three great religions, Jews have been disinterested in converting people; Christ urged his disciples to spread his message through words and good deeds; and Mohamed told his followers to conquer the world with fire and sword. Since October 7, while we’re not seeing fire and sword in the West (yet), we’re certainly seeing standard Islamic efforts to intimidate the West into accepting Islam’s genocidal antisemitism and overall colonialist impulses.

Islam burst out of the Saudi desert in the 7th century A.D. Within one hundred years of Mohamed’s death, its reach had tripled in size, encompassing large parts of the modern Middle East and the northern coast of Africa, while making inroads into Spain. It increased all that territory in the next hundred years. One thousand years after Mohamed’s death, it controlled the entire Middle East, all of North Africa along with a sizable stretch of East Africa, along with large swaths of Central Europe, India, parts of Russia stretching into southern China, and the Malayan peninsula:


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