James O’Keefe strikes again!
O’Keefe Media Group on Thursday evening released a leaked Zoom call showing executives from Big Pharma company Sanofi discussing discriminatory hiring practices.
Carole Huntsman, Former Senior VP said on video: “For instance, for black employees, one in five hires NEEDS to be a black employee for us to meet our goals.”
Huntsman continued, “One in ten HAS to be a Latinx employee for us to meet our goals. And you know, we have quarterly goals and we track them with data and so far we’ve met our goals every quarter since we’ve rolled out the aspiration.”
Before The Next Crisis Hits – Prepare With A Medical Emergency Kit (Includes Ivermectin and Z-Pak)
Bill Sibold, the former Executive VP & Global Head Specialty Care at Sanofi admitted their goal is to “advance racial equity through public policy.”
Discrimination against WHITES called Affirmative Action !!!!
This shhht been going on over 60 years !!!! Time to Hire by MOST QUALIFIED > NOT > COLOR !!!!!
Ban Affirmative Action ( Reverse Discrimination ) !!!
Ban Forced Busing too !!!!! Have School Choice !!! Looong Overdue !!!
60 + Years is ENOUGH !!!!!