Contrary to recent propaganda from CBS News claiming Donald Trump is exploring Nikki Haley as a potential running mate (and the fact that Trump ally Laura Loomer slams Haley on a near-daily basis), the former president himself has weighed in on the 2024 GOP candidate he’s dubbed ‘Birdbrain.’
A Dec. 21 poll released by American Research Group, Inc. showed Trump leading the GOP field with 33% support among likely Republican primary voters – however it shows Haley just 4 points behind him at 29%, in stark contrast to the vast majority of mainstream pollsters.
She can Only Tie his shoes !!!!
She is Only an Intern !!! Trump is PROVEN !!!!!
Won’t happen She is smarter than he is.
She is FINISHED !!! LOL along with the Rest of the RINO Wanna-bees !!!!!!!!
Trump is PROVEN !!! 4 years baby & NO-Body can Hide it or Deny it !!!!!
She is Just Another Politician !!! He is NOT !!!! She blows Smoke / He Gets things DONE !!!!