It was stunning the other day as I listened to excerpts from the debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom. First, it’s clear that Newsom doesn’t want to answer any questions about the destruction of his state economically and socially. He dances around those answers in the typical Progressive manner by throwing insults and deflecting from the real question. He is never direct.
When the topic came up about permitting pornography in the classroom, one would think this would be a slam dunk for any politician. Clearly, no one can support pornographic materials being distributed in our schools. Well, almost no one. Here’s a transcript of the exchange during the debate:
HANNITY: Here is the question that I have for you, Governor Newsom. Some of the work you are talking about, one is called, the governor just brought it up, it is called “Gender Queer, a Memoir,” explicit pornographic book showing sex acts. Another, “Flamer,” a graphic book about young boys performing sex acts at summer camp. “This Book Is Gay,” a book containing instructions on the ins and outs of gay sexuality. Let me finish. Lets talk about a book that contains graphic descriptions about how to masturbate for males and females. My question to you, Governor Newsom, those books, do you believe that is appropriate for school districts to teach kids, yes or no?
NEWSOM: Oh, come on, that’s not part of the curriculum. They’re not teaching that.
HANNITY: Those are books that were in school.
NEWSOM: Hold on. The bottom line is, you are on a book-banning binge in your state. 1,406 books, 3,362 in this country.
HANNITY: You didn’t answer me. What about those books?
NEWSOM: We don’t provide for K-3rd grade education, that kind of curriculum, it is just made up. These guys make it up. It is part of this cultural purge.
HANNITY: Should it be — what grade would it be?
NEWSOM: What I find offensive, Sean and Ron, is the very significant number of these books happen to be LGBTQ books. A significant number of these books happen to be about African-Americans.
HANNITY: Is it appropriate?
NEWSOM: I told you ––
HANNITY: Is it appropriate in school?
NEWSOM: We don’t teach that. We have sex education in middle school and high schools where it is appropriate. This is a ginned-up, made-up issue to divide this country. You talk about dividing this country. This is part of the culture war, the weaponization of grievance. This is part using education, We are focusing on math, science. We are focusing on reimagining our schools. He is criminalizing teachers and criminalizing librarians.
Thank you for sharing this.
They want to train the kids to be ready for THEM !!!!
So they are ready for BIDEN Pedo !!!!!
Like Hitler Democrats INDOCTRINATING them & getting them ready to Produce Perfect Democrats !!!!!
Probably because they are perverts themselves sadly hope they don’t have children.
The purpose is to break down traditional family values. If your paying attention, anyone who opposes pornography in schools is labeled as a “hater”.
They are using the HITLER Playbook !!!!!
Authors are free to write what they wish and free to round up a publisher.
Publishers are free to solicit material to publish from whomever they wish.
Parents and guardians are mostly free to buy whatever books they want in their homes, with some potential limits.
Nothing in the sentences above compels public libraries or public school libraries to buy, stock, distribute or recommend questionable materials like the books and excerpts described in the article. Material and themes like that used to be called smut, or worse.
Spending public money on these materials is the problem. Lots of books, magazines, journals have limited distribution and small publishing quantities because they have small audiences or special topic audiences. But when the public librarian and public school librarian influencers bless this smut the orders are placed and the smut quietly ends up on the shelves.
Is there an agenda to promote these themes? You can come to no other conclusion. Where are the books promoting kids sneaking cigarettes, hot-rodding old cars, skipping school go fishing, designing cleaner coal fired generating plants, doing Eagle scout projects? In short supply, if even being solicited by publishers and distributors because they deal with normal kid & teen activities.
Library boards and BOE members pay heed. You are under no obligation to purchase or retain these unwholesome materials. Do the right thing!
America needs a Far Better Check & Balance system for Govt or it is Doomed !!!!!
Bill Clinton & Obama & Biden & Bill Gates getting them ready for the New Pedifile Island !!!!!!
Lowering the Adult age to 16 instead of 18 !!!!