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WATCH: Ted Cruz Torches Wray Over FBI Handling of Investigation Into Biden Corruption

As we reported earlier, FBI Director Christopher Wray was being grilled In the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday on a variety of topics in their oversight capacity,

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) questioned Wray about the actions he was taking at the FBI. He noted that he was concerned about how the DOJ had become “deeply politicized” under Attorney General Merrick Garland, and he felt the FBI had become so as well. He said that he’d spoken to FBI agents across the country, and Wray had been unwilling to stand up to prevent the politicization.

Cruz brought up the issue of the investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden and said he felt the DOJ had tried to stop the investigation into Joe Biden. He pointed out there was direct evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption, including the WhatsApp message involving Hunter threatening a Chinese contact to come across with the money, saying his father was sitting next to him.

Cruz pointed out that IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified to the House that the “natural step he wanted to follow” in the investigation was to determine if Joe Biden was sitting next to Hunter when he used him to make the threat. But according to Cruz, the DOJ blocked Shapley from getting the GPS data on Joe Biden’s phone.

“Did the FBI try to ascertain where Hunter Biden was and where Joe Biden was when this text was sent?” Cruz asked Wray.

Wray refused to answer the question, saying that it was an ongoing investigation being led by Special Counsel David Weiss.

Cruz said that the DOJ let the statute of limitations run on some of the more serious violations in question. He also explained how Shapley testified that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf explicitly told special investigators there was no way a search warrant involving Joe Biden’s property would be approved because of the “optics.”


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