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Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

Pennsylvania voters are doubting the integrity of local elections in the swing county of Northampton after issues with touchscreen voting devices arose on the most recent Election Day. The glitches were similar to those seen in the county’s 2019 judges race.

Election officials are scrambling to ensure trust in the voting system as voters and local leaders alike are sounding the alarm, a Saturday Politico report revealed.

Northampton used Election Systems & Software touchscreen machines for the first time in 2019 and saw a “programming glitch” that caused a significant “undercount” of votes in the local judge’s race, the publication reported. Then, on November 7, 2023, suspicion grew when voters discovered that their printouts meant to confirm their votes on the devices did not match their choices for two down-ballot judges races.


4 thoughts on “Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time”

  1. ELEVEN MONTHS now, to get national election integrity and transparency back in check !!!! The process should have started Nov 2020, but our elected officials have been dicking around for 3 years. Honestly I don’t see a true and reliable election for us in 2024

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