Wicomico parents and teachers came to the November 14 school board meeting to share their testimony of violent attacks that they and their children have had to endure. And it’s not over. The continued trauma and hostile school environment leaves the safety of tomorrow at risk. Superintendent of Wicomico Schools made a statement that these are all “isolated incidents.” Parents expressed that these occurrences of violence are not isolated incidents, as they occur several times per month and only getting worse from inaction. Here’s what parents and a teachers had to say:
The board responded with dismissive excuses, which were rehearsed in close session.
One board member read the planned script on behalf of the board. The result is that the board cannot do anything, and they cannot discipline students or keep students and faculty safe due to legislation. They are not even willing to legally challenge the state. They pass the buck to Maryland State legislators, and refer citizens to take it up with them. The board’s excuses can be heard here: https://youtu.be/3xOub_x3ByY
What can the school board do?
1. Screen any student transfers and get records before enrollment.
2. Make staff aware of what they need to know to maintain control and safety.
3. Remove dangerous and disruptive students from school (remain home if necessary).
4. File an emergency injunction against the state due to legislation that’s endangering citizens.
5. Organize a state-wide class-action suit with other school boards and sue the state.
Tired of excuses and a state that’s not protecting its citizens?
Our public schools are no longer safe, and clear that our elected officials are not going to protect us. If you fear for your child’s welfare and desire a better education, we encourage you to really consider removing them from the public school. The Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition has shared these alternative options with the public. Please take the time to explore these options that are presented. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Dear readers and Supt. Stauffer,
These schools have been unsafe since the days of Margo Handy telling administrators to take back their schools. While that sounds good, it never happened because when administrators began doing so, their suspensions and disciplinary work was overturned when parents called the board to complain. These are not isolated instances, and I’ll call to light one – the stabbing last Friday at BMS. There are literally hundreds more, and the “Wicomico Way” is like the DNC these days – lie,lie,lie and deny, deny, deny.
I’m well past retirement age, and have no children in those schools, but if I did, I’d start going after administrators in civil court.
Micha – you were raised better than this – stop being indecisive and actually do something instead of hiding behind semantics.
Stauffer needs to get his head out of the sand. These are not isolated cases. Teachers have been assaulted for years. Student attack have been happing for years. THE WCBOE better get their act together before things get worse. Someone needs to do a FOIA to get the number of student and teacher assaults for the last 10 years. You all will be amazed. This is not new.
This is what Obama brought to the schools. Can’t discipline certain kids because it would be racist! I do not feel bad for any liberal teacher! THIS is what you voted for. We told you it was going to happen. The same is happening to adults that continue to break the law but we can’t lock them up. No punishment means MORE crime.
nobody at the wboe is gonna do anything about this. to get along go along. shut up and dont put your pension at risk. It’s about the money not the kids, your kids dont matter and the sooner you realize this the better off your kid will be. so you have one of three choices find an alternative, stand up and be heard and demand change or stfu and get back in line! what you willing to do? as always nothing but complain! losers!
I think they should look at what happened to the 1sr grade teacher in VA. She is during the crap out of the school system and any day the same thing will happen here.
Wicomico has the most worthless, inadequate BOE of any. They do not give a fat rat’s ass about you or your children. They care about payday and pensions.
Paladin, thought you had died.Don’t worry though, your legacy is being picked up by Darren Dear.