With 265 mail in ballots still remaining to be counter today, Randy holds a slight lead over Megan Outten. Traditionally the mail in ballots follow regular voting results but this is Salisbury and you just never know what’s going to happen.
Should Randy win he will do an incredible job.
Mail in ballots were implemented to throw an election. End of conversation
Mail in cheat sheets – LOL
I thought that traditionally mail-in ballots tended to be used by more Democrat voters, so no surprise if Outen outpaces Taylor. And 7:29, mail-in ballots weren’t implemented to throw an election. They were implemented because it makes good sense to smooth out ballot casting and not force everyone to jam in all at the same time. Plenty of Republicans do it to. Even Mr. MAGA Trump himself.
LOL! When I voted on Tuesday, I was the only one there (except for about a dozen poll workers). The only mail-in ballots should be absentee ballots. Stop justifying cheating!
Should be a deadline date for mail in votes to be counted before election night so the winner is selected.
To 7:29; Way back in the 70s, while in college, the only way I was able to vote was by mail-in. Same with all of our service personal. In other words mail ins do serve a purpose but have been abused recently.
9:44- There’s a difference between mail-in ballots and absentee ballots, just in case you didn’t get taught that while attending college way back in the 70s
Randy is going to win.
11:55 my mistake way back in the 70’s when absentee ballots were the only option some of us poor college “un”educated people (no student loans I paid my own way) mistook mail in/ absentee ballots as the same.
Done with semantics
That’s fine they should be counted before election night so the results are on election night.
Salisbury needs Randy’s commonsense leadership.
Meghan Outten is a far left woke liberal … you know they’re cheating. Glad I’m moving away from here
In Wicomico County in 2020, Trump received 63.3% of the early/election day votes. Biden received 72.5% of the mail-in votes. If history repeats itself, Salisbury will be full on socialist/progressive! My only hope is that Jermichael Mitchell’s mail-in votes can offset Outten’s. Taylor is the only hope for any sanity, since the “rubber stamp” city council remains essentially the same.
My hope came true! Mitchell received 98 of the mail-in votes followed by 88 for Taylor and 79 for Outten. With 40 provisional votes uncounted and irrelevant, Randy Taylor is our new mayor. Finally, after nearly 2 decades, an adult is in charge! CONGRATS to Salisbury for finally waking up!!!
Correction: Mitchell received 51 mail-in votes.
Why wboc has no updates on mayor’s race
wboc is for Delaware only
Yesterday, WBOC had a facebook post up around 2PM stating that Randy Taylor had extended his lead to 65 over Outten, and that there were only 40 provisional ballots left.
By 4pm that post had been removed, on the 10 pm newscast, they stated that that there were about 80 ballots outstanding with more expected to arrive.
I heard that too. Crooked WBOC “toting water” for their socialist friends! Seeking election results was the only reason I tuned into their channel for the first time in years!
Wboc in the tank .Never watch the shit show news station.
I pray Taylor is our new mayor & cleans up all the Jake Day mess worst mayor ever. Get rid of the pan handlers, no more City Festivals we need no more drunken floaters in the river. End round abouts, painted sidewalks, streets divided by concrete parking spaces, bike and skooter paths. And all of Days WOKE ideas to name just a few.