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After the Jim Jordan fiasco in Congress, the GOP’s traitors out themselves

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive treason from within.  An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.  But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”  –Marcus Tullius Cicero

The uniparty, that deep state bureaucracy that rules over us all, determined that the people should not have the Speaker of their choice.

A clear majority of Republicans wanted Rep. Jim Jordan to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy for good and obvious reasons.  But twenty-five members of the House GOP revealed themselves to be petty, sniveling, chumps who decided that the people should not have a say.

They don’t like Jordan because he was the founder of the Freedom Caucus and supports President Trump.  They hate Rep. Matt Gaetz because he upset their apple cart, that safe, wealth-producing space they so comfortably occupy in D.C.

But Gaetz has been listening to the people.  He knew that we knew McCarthy was a classic RINO, an anti-Trump, pro-Pelosi operator who broke the promises he made to become Speaker.  He got Pelosi’s misnamed “debt ceiling” bill passed with unlimited spending for two years.  He agreed to another CR, or, continuing resolution on runaway spending.  He did nothing about the promised impeachments of Merrick Garland, Alejandro Mayorkas, Christopher Wray and Joe Biden. He did nothing to even attempt a solution to the invasion over our southern border.  Like far too many of the rest of the Republicans, he was always and only working for himself and his donors and lobbyists, Sequoia Financial among them.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive treason from within.”  –Marcus Tullius Cicero

Matt Gaetz did Republicans a favor; his motion to vacate McCarthy from the Speaker’s chair has shown us all who the people in Congress actually represent, who they actually are. Now we know who those twenty-five “no” voters are; their allegiance is not to the American people.  It’s to their defense industry donors and lobbyists.  They’ve let us know how angry they are that the people have expressed their preference for Jordan.  One member of the House called our phone calls and emails “abuse.” They do not think they should have to listen to us peons.


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