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‘Totally Inappropriate’: Trump, Others Blast Biden For Giving Palestinians Fresh U.S. Tax Dollars

Wednesday morning, President Joe Biden announced a fresh $100 million dollars for “humanitarian aid” in Gaza, as well as Judea and Samaria. Of course, critics were quick to point out that there is a strong likelihood that that funding will wind up in the hands of the very Islamic extremists at war with Israel.

Among those who took ire with Biden’s decision was former President Donald Trump. From a lower Manhattan courthouse, where the GOP frontrunner is facing a civil fraud legal battle, Trump blasted the current commander-in-chief.

“I think right now it’s totally inappropriate. It’s so inappropriate — to be doing that right now? He’s over in Israel, and he’s giving money to the Palestinians,” Trump said in disbelief.

“I think it’s pretty inappropriate,” he added again for good measure.


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