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Democratic lies are endangering American lives

United States embassies throughout the Middle East were attacked Tuesday night after Hamas falsely claimed the Israel Defense Forces bombed a hospital in Gaza, killing 500 civilians.

Every part of the Hamas story was a lie: it was a rocket from inside Gaza aimed at Israel that caused the damage; a parking lot near a hospital, not the hospital itself, was hit; and nowhere near 500 people died.

In any armed conflict, it is rarely immediately clear who is responsible for what violence and how many people have been killed. But this is all the more reason that elected officials should exercise caution when sharing and promoting information from the battlefield.

That is not what Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) or Ilhan Omar (D-MN) did Tuesday after Hamas claimed Israel had targeted a civilian hospital in Gaza.


4 thoughts on “Democratic lies are endangering American lives”

  1. Wrong….it’s the luciferian party, it’s policies, politics and agenda that is destroying our country and GOD given freedoms. Both political parties are part of this problem!!

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