An email obtained by a CNN producer showed Hunter Biden expected all of the “stuff” regarding his criminal wrongdoings to disappear once his father, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden, became president, according to documents the House Ways and Means Committee released.
Justin T. Cole, the Office of Communications Director for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), notified the agency’s chief and deputy chief a CNN producer reached out about their investigation into Hunter’s tax and gun crimes, according to an email the Ways and Means committee released. Cole apparently said the CNN producer possessed an email from Hunter saying he believed he would be off the hook once his father became president and that he was unwilling to accept a plea deal.
“Producer has an email from Hunter saying he expected all of this “stuff” to go away when his dad becomes President,” Cole wrote. “Producer said he is aware that a plea deal has been offered to Hunter but Hunter is not willing to accept it.”
And it all still might go away
Not so Fast !!!!!! LOL LOL They are TOAST !!!!! Just getting Started !!!!!
Republicans Back in Charge baby !!!!!