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Worst States to be a Gun Owner (2023 Updated)

#45 Maryland

Maryland is another state on our list affected by the recent Supreme Court decision NYSRPA vs. Bruen. This means gun owners can now apply for concealed weapons permits. However, you must complete a 16-hour training course before you can apply for the state’s WCHP. Maryland honors gun permits from zero other states, but you can travel to 26 states with yours.

Potential gun owners must obtain a permit to purchase a firearm, register their guns, and complete a background check for each firearm purchase. On the bright side, you can get a $500 tax exemption[73] on eligible gun safety equipment. Of course, there are some rules[74] about what you can have, where you can carry and when. For example, the state bans “assault” weapons. But the AR-10 is perfectly fine.

The state’s Governor, Wes Moore, is vehemently opposed[75] to the Supreme Court ruling upholding a citizen’s right to carry firearms and, therefore, is looking to State Legislators to enact more gun control.

6 thoughts on “Worst States to be a Gun Owner (2023 Updated)”

  1. so do tell, name any other constitutional rights that you need to take a course or ask permission from some political hack before exercising said right? thought so…. now piss off!

    1. Not all constitutional rights are absolute. For example, free speech may be constrained under certain circumstances. Freedom of religion is another that is, under certain circumstances, restricted, for example of a religious practices would call for reprisal human sacrifice. There are others. So reasonable restrictions on possessing firearms are not really unique at all.

      1. REASONABLE is the key word here. What is happening is definitely NOT reasonable. The law abiding gun owner is NOT the problem… the idiots that are at the root of so called “gun violence” (by the way, my guns have never gone out and caused any “violence”…do you call an incident where somebody is hit by a vehicle “car violence”? Of course not!)..the CRIMINAL will not obey yet another law restricting lawful gun owners rights…you really think they will say “oh, gee…here’s is another gun law…I will certainly abide by that! Not gonna happen. Try actually locking up criminals…they have already tied the police up by getting rid of marijuana smell as basis to search. Ask any cop or prosecutor how many guns were taken off the street because they could search.. Yeah, yeah, I hear the ones out there sputtering about “cops lie” to be able to search When they actually find the gallon bag of weed after smelling the big fat joint that was just smoked in the car, how is that a lie? There will be MORE gun crimes because of the stupid laws that are being made.

  2. Anytime there is a list with “Worst states for….”. Maryland is always at the top or near the top of the list. Just another Democrat ridden sh*thole. I can retire in a few years and I’m out of here as soon as possible.

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