Seems the “nothingburger,” as the progressive press likes to call the Hunter Biden saga, is turning into a Whopper.
The latest: Hunter’s lawyers threatened to put President Biden on the stand if Hunter were to be charged.
“President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” lawyer Chris Clark wrote in a 32-page letter obtained by Politico.
Hunter faced possible gun charges for buying a weapon as a drug user. What was Joe Biden going to testify? Stand up for his son and say the prosecution violated the Second Amendment? The same president who is shutting down hundreds of gun dealers?
Or wait, maybe Joe was going to testify that Hunter didn’t need to pay taxes on all his earnings because much of the money was going to benefit Joe and family.
Please charge hunter so we watch senile joey put his foot in his mouth, and convict himself.
Bidens Pelosi Clintons Obamas AOC+3 Schumer Schiff Nadler Lynch Rice Clapper Brennen Waters