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Weiss knew in 2020 that the FBI had corroborated the confidential informant’s story of Biden bribery

David Weiss, the US Attorney for the District of Delaware charged with investigating Biden, has a lot of explaining to do when he testifies before Congress in September or October. Thanks to the efforts of Senator Grassley, the public now has the FBI Form 1023, with the account of outright bribery of the Biden crime family following what sounds like a shakedown of Burisma. The 1023 account is based on a still-anonymous Confidential Human Source (CHS) who had previously proven reliable.

But now, thanks to the work of Professor Margot Cleveland, we learn that FBI agents from the Pittsburgh field office vetted the claims of the CHS and found support for them. More importantly, David Weiss, the US Attorney for Delaware, was briefed on the allegations and their corroboration on October 2020.  Prof. Cleveland writes:

The Federalist has now learned that the Pittsburgh FBI office had corroborated several details contained in the FD-1023 as part of the intake process that former Attorney General William Barr established before the election under the leadership of the Western District of Pennsylvania’s then-U.S. Attorney Scott Brady. Significantly, in briefing the Delaware U.S. attorney on the results of their office’s screening of evidence related to Ukraine, the Pittsburgh FBI agents told the Delaware office they had corroborated multiple facts included in the FD-1023, an individual with knowledge of the briefing told The Federalist.

Following the late June 2020 interview with the CHS, the Pittsburgh FBI office obtained travel records for the CHS, and those records confirmed the CHS had traveled to the locales detailed in the FD-1023 during the relevant time period. The trips included a late 2015 or early 2016 visit to Kiev, Ukraine; a trip a couple of months later to Vienna, Austria; and travel to London in 2019.

There is further corroboration offered in the article.

Keep in mind that the Pittsburgh FBI office was granted a very limited role by then-AG Barr:

As Barr previously made clear, the role of the Pittsburgh office was limited to providing a “clearing-house function” for information related to Ukraine to weed out “any potential disinformation.” The purpose of the intake process, Barr stressed, was to “check[] out the source and credibility of evidence before assigning it to one of the ongoing investigations already pending in the Department,” such as the Delaware investigation into Hunter Biden.


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