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White House blames ‘stressful environment’ for first dog’s bite spree

WASHINGTON — The first dog leads a dog’s life, even in the White House.

That’s the Biden administration’s explanation for why the president’s German shepherd Commander bit at least seven Secret Service members in recent months — sending one protective officer to the hospital.

“The White House complex is a unique and often stressful environment for family pets, and the First Family is working through ways to make this situation better for everyone,” first lady Jill Biden’s spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander said in a statement.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to give additional information when confronted with questions at her regular press briefing Tuesday — declining to say if Commander bit anyone aside from Secret Service members or if he attacked anyone outside a four-month period chronicled in documents acquired by Judicial Watch through Freedom of Information Act litigation.


6 thoughts on “White House blames ‘stressful environment’ for first dog’s bite spree”

  1. Poor training, poor handling, and probably poor daily attention paid to the dog. The animal is just another Biden stage prop, like the aviator shades, there to lend an air of manliness to that withered husk who got 81 million votes.

  2. Stupid people are not capable of raising a dog to be well behaved. The dog never knows what to expect from their owner and can really relax.

  3. The stress is the family they live with the Biden’s and the first bite they should have been removed from the White House.

      1. It’s not the dogs fault. Lots of love can probably turn that dog around and let live a good life, but surely not in the White House or the Shit House in Delaware.

  4. Remember the other dog had similar issues.

    And Bribem broke his foot chasing one of them in some fashion, IIRC.

    Shepherds are intelligent dogs that need training and activity. Not likely to get either from its owners.

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