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Aides and the press have created a Potemkin presidency, hiding if Joe Biden is up to it

President Biden is merely pretending to do his job. But will the charade collapse before he can finagle another election victory?

In czarist Russia, a Russian governor named Potemkin built a fake village to deceive Catherine the Great about the condition of the peasants she ruled.

In today’s Washington, the media are partnering with Team Biden to concoct a Potemkin village to deceive Americans about Biden’s faltering fitness for office.

Last month at the Air Force Academy graduation in Colorado, Biden stumbled leaving the podium.

It took multiple Secret Service agents to eventually get Joe back on his feet.

In a bizarre finish for a recent MSNBC puff-piece appearance, Biden practically jumped out of his chair and shuffled off stage like a hungry geezer responding to the dinner bell at the nursing home.

Biden has gotten lost on stage so many times that Waze should create a special app for Joe to navigate his next steps.

The Atlantic noted last year that Biden’s “aides look visibly nervous at times” when he is giving a public speech. What do they know that we don’t?


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