
DelMarVa’s Premier Source for Conservative News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest

Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349

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Bus Ocean City, Salisbury, Easton to DC 1-6-21

Main Street Patriots event, January 6th is it folks . . . if you are not pissed off enough to go to DC to make your voice heard you haven’t been paying attention.  

Why January 6th?  The significance is well explained in this article

As has been the case in the past, our luxury, rest-room equipped bus will leave the Park and Ride lot in West Ocean City, time to be announced when we learn more details about the event.  To cover the cost of the bus rental there will be a $25 per person fee, which will be collected at boarding.  We expect seats will sell out quickly so please if you make a reservation show up, or cancel in plenty of time for us to fill the seat. Don’t be the cause of empty seats.

Please contact Brian at 410-251-3585 ASAP to reserve a seat and keep up to date with details.  And like and follow our Main Street Patriots facebook page.  (Yes, we are looking into the new social media site, Parler. F*** facebook and it’s censorship!)

Steve Lind, Brian Nygaard, Skip McGarry    Administrators of Main Street Patriots

P.S – an excerpt from an article on the “American Thinker” website: 

We’ve been passive all year with few exceptions.

We’ve absorbed one shock after another with little pushback.  We’ve watched the rise of totalitarianism in disbelief as it has taken hold in the form of lockdowns, riots, censorship, and election fraud.

We have, for the most part, been obedient as a handful of “experts” told us what we can and cannot do after the coronavirus swept in.  We’ve tolerated demands to close our businesses, schools, and churches, not leave our house or have contact with aging loved ones, among other demonic edicts.

We’ve stood silently by as a “reimagined” police force issued citations, forcibly removed people from public spaces, padlocked doors, and made arrests because someone dared to live as a free American.  We’ve even been physically attacked while expressing support for the police, as the police stood by and did nothing.

On the heels of coronavirus lockdowns came riots across the country as law enforcement were told to stand down.  And they obeyed.

Then the left pulled a poison arrow from its quiver and stole the election in its final coup attempt to deny a duly elected president his second term (here and here).

And nary a soul went to jail for any of it.

We’re living in a world gone mad.  Lawlessness and criminal behavior have become a norm, and no one does a thing to stop it.

Meanwhile, as Trump-supporters, we’ve tolerated mockery, scorn, threats, marginalization, and attacks as our voices are silenced and our reputations and livelihoods are stripped away.

We’ve had every possible insult hurled at us.  We’ve been painted as non-human, making it easier for those intent on inflicting harm to do so.

The list of insults and threats made against President Trump, and all of us, is insanely long, often gruesome, and growing by the day.  It seems everyone wants to get in on the act, including the speaker of the House, who alluded to fumigating Trump out of the White House while the Presidential Wannabe posted a video of his dogs ripping apart a toy that was the likeness of Donald Trump.

It takes a toll to have this much evil bombard our lives.

And there’s much more in store.  The left wants to silence us permanently and completely, never to rise to power again.  And it’s on the threshold of pulling it off.

Read the rest of the article at this link.

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