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A Comment Worthy Of A Post

I bet you don’t realize that this vaccine does not work the way that every vaccine you have ever taken (like measles) does and is the 1st time it has ever been used in humans other than those that participated in the COVID trials and earlier trials for rabies and hepatitis vaccines. (The rabies & hepatitis vaccine trials never progressed to licensed vaccines because nonRNA based vaccines all ready exist that provide better immunity) Vaccines that we have all taken as children give you immunity because you are injected with “watered down” , scientific term is attenuated, versions of the virus, either live or killed. Your body then forms antibodies to the disease. The COVID vaccine is composed of messenger RNA that contains the genetic code to manufacture the proteins needed to form antibodies to the coronavirus. The mRNA in the vaccine is encapsulated in nanolipids to protect it from being destroyed by your body (Your body would normally recognize it as a foreign protein and attack it) . The mRNA in the vaccine enters your cells and gives the lab generated code to the ribosomes in your cells and directs your cells to make the protein to build antibodies to COVID. So, instead of your own body reading the COVID virus and figuring out how to build antibodies, your body will be building antibodies that have all ready been figured out for it by researchers. According to researchers, this lab mRNA will die shortly after it gives the code to your cells, just as your natural mRNA shortly degrades and dies. If you are comfortable with foreign genetic material entering your cells and trust it will degrade the way they said then go ahead and get it. Two bonuses: 1) scientists have no idea how long any immunity will last and are investigating if you may need booster shots, possibly as often as bi-monthly 2) It may take 60-90 days for the vaccine to provide you with immunity, scientists also not sure about this; both of these are reasons we are now being told you will need to keep wearing masks. All of these unknowns for a disease that the majority of us can weather without hospitalization, much less risk of death. Oh, and one final thought: the manufactured mRNA vaccine was developed based upon the genetic blueprint of the COVID 19 virus that CHINA provided to the world in March; to help us all, of course. Google the actual scientific trial reports; you can’t make this shit up. Do it quick though; an article I googled last week on the NIH website was all ready REVISED on December 18 to change the wording from “mRNA vaccines have never been previously used on the human population” to “Reports that RNA vaccines have never been used on human populations are not entirely true, as human subjects have been used in RNA based vaccines for rabies and a few other diseases”. All I can say is WOW and WHAT IS GOING ON?

4 thoughts on “A Comment Worthy Of A Post”

  1. I don’t know what the hell you just said, but I think taking chances getting the virus and letting your body deal with it, is starting to sound better all the time. Besides, your gonna die from something. We all act like if we beat this, then we’re all gonna live forever. We all do things every day that has more potential to kill us than this virus. I’m tired of people telling me to stay safe, like there is a band of lions and tigers roaming our area, and we could be violently eaten at any time. We have become a bunch of spoiled, soft wimps, with to many convenientses. Hell, we get pissed if we have to sit to long in line at Dunkin. Or get in a little traffic. It’s all just supposed to go our way all day. I’m guilty as anyone of that. No wonder everybody is on meds.

    1. Meds or alcohol. Alcohol was the go to in the 50s 60s 70s 80s then became politically incorrect in the 90s.

      Well Fellas its baaaaack!

  2. This is why we should all just let nature take its course, At 66, I got it in January 2020 and it was 2 days of badass flu but only one day of 100 fever and none the next eating the alphabet of vitamins. We are om trsck this year on overall deaths from ALL causes to be the same as all deaths in past years back to 2014, so why the panic?

  3. It was never about viruses – it’s about control. Isn’t strange the “Virus” was released from a lab funded by Obama just when impeachment was failing? Almost like a mass shooting happens just in time for gun control. What if we found out the “Dems” were behind release partnered with China? What would you do, how would you respond? WHY hasn’t any of this been investigated? Why IF this thing is so deadly haven’t we investigated at all HOW it was released? Of because just like people who testify against the Clintons – they whistleblowers were removed… The fix for the virus is worst than a virus, Gates wants population control, period. I for one will not be taking the vaccine – my body – MY CHOICE. Ill die eventually, but won’t be a sheep.

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