In the 1978 comedy Animal House, the character Flounder is distressed to find his 1964 Lincoln Continental badly wrecked following a string of hijinks with his fraternity brothers .
A friend jokingly consoles the blubbering Flounder, telling him, “You f***ed up. You trusted us.”
The line was meant as a joke, a bit of tongue-in-cheek ribbing for the role Flounder’s fraternity brothers played in the trashing of his car. It’s a perfectly outrageous thing to say in a perfectly outrageous comedy. It’s funny because it’s a sentiment that should never be uttered in sincerity. Certainly, one wouldn’t dare to use it as a real-life defense for the mismanagement of a real-life public health debacle.
But this is exactly what we got this week from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who, more than anyone else in public health, is responsible for the federal government’s ham-handed, dimwitted, and completely backward response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He really suggested — in all sincerity — that it’s your own damn fault for taking him seriously.
Fauci the reason thousands died being told they would die without it and they died taking it and pushing in for 4 years still. And he still thinks he deserves cable time can’t get enough attention he should be behind bars. Remember he told us no masks, than everyone wear a mask then 2 masks.
RAT FACE fauci is just a lying piece of SHIT !!!! I can’t wait for that bastard to die and go to Hell.
The Mad scientist TRAITOR !!!!! Gave $$$$$ Millions to CHINA to make the COVID-19 that Killed Millions !!!!!
Time to WRITE off the China $$$ 31 Trillion Debt as > PAID IN FULL !!!!!
He Tortured Poor Dogs & other animals at NIH !!!! He should be in PRISON !!!!!!
Prison for LIFE !!!! Unforgiveable !
He’s also an A$$Hole!!
Electric Chair !!!!