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Butler pledges to lead Maryland State Police into ‘new era’

ANNAPOLIS — Acting Maryland State Police Superintendent Roland Butler told lawmakers Monday he is committed to moving the agency “into a new era,” as some senators have questioned whether someone who has spent nearly three decades in the department is the right choice to lead reforms in an agency under a federal discrimination probe.

“It is my top priority,” Butler told the Maryland Senate Executive Nominations Committee. “I’ve heard your concerns and the concerns of your constituents, and I’m absolutely committed to addressing these issues head on. To begin, we must acknowledge and address all bias and discriminatory practices.”

Butler, who would become the first Black superintendent of the agency with Senate confirmation, has served as chief of the State Police Field Operations Bureau, where he led a force of more than 1,000 troopers and investigative personnel assigned to 23 barracks. He also served on the superintendent’s staff and the Maryland State Police Support Services Bureau Office of Equity and Inclusion.

Butler acknowledged that the department has “grappled with a range of deeply troubling issues: bias, discrimination, inappropriate behavior and an inequitable system of career advancement that has held many qualified troopers back in their careers.”

Senate President Bill Ferguson, a Baltimore Democrat, asked how he will be able to change the agency when some of the challenges have existed while he was in leadership.

“The biggest thing we need to do is start with building trust, trust and communication,” Butler said. “People need to feel comfortable bringing their concerns to me or anyone else within the rank structure.”

Sen. Pam Beidle, who chairs the committee, said she thought Butler did well during the hearing and had “a great deal” of supporters in attendance. However, she said said she wasn’t sure if he has the votes yet on the committee.

“If we’d called for the vote tonight, I don’t know if he had them,” Beidle, an Anne Arundel County Democrat, said. “We’ll have to see what happens. I think there’s still questions.”

Sen. Antonio Hayes, a Baltimore Democrat, said Butler’s testimony won his support, but that “there’s absolutely some questions among my colleagues, definitely.”

10 thoughts on “Butler pledges to lead Maryland State Police into ‘new era’”

    1. You want Revenue then go BUST Drug Dealers / Cartels / Mafias for the > BIG MONEY !!!!!

      Leave the Public Taxpayers ALONE !!!

  1. Oh kay Chief. We here on Delmarva are ok. Not fine, but ok. Concentrate on Baltimore, PG County, Baltimore, Montgomery County, Baltimore, the NASCAR superspeedway known as the Beltway (495 and 695) and Baltimore.

    Clean that crap up and you will find lots of revenue to generate.

  2. Bla, bla, bla. That’s all that comes out of their mouths, that and alot of BS. Say anything to get position, then do as you please.

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