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Did you hear Biden’s compellingly TRUE statement?

In studying a modern-day speech of a Democrat politician, it is difficult to find anything honest to talk about, but in a speech by Joe Biden, I did find something compellingly true. The compellingly true statement from Biden’s speech was the following:

“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal.” This is a remarkably true statement to come out of the mouth of a lying liberal Democrat who even the Washington Post gives a “bottomless Pinocchio” because of the magnitude of lies in his speeches. I could be wrong, but I do not think that there are very many Americans who would disagree with Biden’s statement, “Too much … is not normal.”

So why are things happening in America that are just “not normal”? We need to understand something called “executive orders.” Google says an executive order is “A formal device, issued by the President, used primarily to control the workings of the executive branch by directing the agencies that comprise it. Therefore, a President can issue an executive order to bypass Congress’ bureaucracy and advance policy objectives without having to go through the legislative process.” So, “executive orders” are “laws” written by the president independent of Congress.

I also found there are “presidential memoranda,” which are like executive orders, but are not submitted to the Federal Register, making it harder to track. If this weren’t enough, then there are “proclamations” and “notices” the president issues, which also have the force of law. All of these are used to direct the president’s Cabinet and all federal agencies.

As of March 21, 2023, Joe Biden had signed 108 executive orders, 130 presidential memoranda, 395 proclamations and 80 notices, bring the total to 713 presidential “laws” being issued by this president.


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