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It’s 6AM on Sunday March 12th and I want to tell you that I hate Daylight Savings Time

I specifically didn’t put the commas in the date in the headline because I am angry. I am angry that Daylight Savings Time is still a thing.

Daylight Savings Time is stupid and useless as teats on a boar. It is 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 12th, and I have risen from my slumber to tell all of you how much I hate it.

“Wow, Edward, you work for a real slave driver, making you write articles at 6 in the morning on a Sunday, sheesh,” you say. No no no, incorrect, dear reader. I got up early to write articles on a Sunday for the love of the game – and to spite Daylight Savings Time. It will not beat me; I will beat it. I punch it in its stupid face. I will take my one less hour of sleep like a warrior, and I will say, “How about one more?” and I will laugh.

It’s not even the one less hour of sleep that irks me so badly … it’s the uselessness of the whole thing, and the fact that we have to do it just because the yokels in the government say we have to.

I am far from the only one who hates DST. Two-thirds of Americans want it shot behind the ear and buried in a corn field.

The 17% who said “No, I would not,” are clearly sociopaths and I would like to fight them right now. And the ones who said “Not sure” probably don’t even know what it is because their moms still change their clocks for them and they don’t even notice.

And listen: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (uhh, hello, sounds like they know a thing or two about sleep) is officially in favor of abolishing DST.

Based on evidence that shows the switch to daylight saving time carries many health and accident risks and is misaligned with human circadian biology, the position of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine is that seasonal time changes should be abolished in favor of permanent standard time.

“Mounting evidence shows the dangers of seasonal time changes, which have been linked to increased medical errors, motor vehicle accidents, increased hospital admissions and other problems,” said Jennifer Martin, a licensed clinical psychologist and president of the AASM. “Restoring permanent, year-round standard time is the best option for our health and well-being.”


9 thoughts on “<strong>It’s 6AM on Sunday March 12th and I want to tell you that I hate Daylight Savings Time</strong>”

  1. Whaaaaa!!! Crybaby This is the REAL Natural time that we need to STAY ON YEAR ROUND !!!

    More Daylight Not More DARK !!!

  2. Look man, 6 o’clock comes every sunday morning, DST or not. So you lost an hour, get over it. I’m sure you waste many more hours every week on F**kbook

  3. Nature’s Time is Daylight Savings Time > Don’t mess with Nature !!!! Govt cannot make the Time in a Free
    country & that is what they try to do when changing it to EST (Eastern Standard Time ) DARK all Winter !!!!!

  4. Govr has no business Forcing us to be on a false time > EST living in the Dark all winter !!!! Stay on DST !!!!

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