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The State is Alpha: Gender Ideology in Schools is part of the Religious Cult of State

” I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and Last, the Beginning and the End.”

Revelation 22:13 The BIBLE

I was reading a book entitled Educating for the New World Order by B.K.Eakman and I came across a chapter entitled ” The Slippery Slope.” In this chapter, the author outlines the following things happening in schools:

  • Parents are being undermined by schools and then, when they complain, they are told, “You are the only parent that has ever complained,” as the standard response. Parental involvement is given lip service; community support is solicited, but only when it helps the system get money.

  • Parents teach their children morals and values only to have educators go behind them and tell the children their parents are wrong.

  • Parenthood is discounted by the schools while at the same time they blame parents for everything wrong a child does. Teachers claim to be “experts” about children while asserting that parents have NO idea how to raise their children.

  • Schools promote political beliefs in the classroom such as socialism, fascism, globalism, etc.

  • Schools collect data on student attitudes and therefore their family’s beliefs. These surveys are used to violate the privacy of a family and destroy familial relationships, thus opening the door for CPS. Data collected is used in political campaigns to address certain issues and avoid others.

  • Law mandates that children attend school. Parents are not welcome in schools. Schools promote whichever values are currently pushed by the state; racial hatred, atheism, a fear of real science, a distaste for differing political opinions and even hostility towards their own parents.

  • Schools become a prop that politicians can use during election year. They ally with unions to do so.

  • Health Curriculums instruct teachers to tell students to hide information being taught about sexual activity from their parents.

  • Parent protests are not reported on by the media.

The chapter includes the phrase, “The Group is Alpha” over and over.

Sound familiar?

This book was written in 1991. Twenty-two years ago. My adult children were toddlers then. Many of the parents who currently have children in the public schools were children then. They experienced all of the above and they and their parents were not aware. I wasn’t, and I was a teacher.

If it was the slippery slope in 1991, we are now in the quicksand at the bottom of the slope. We have been sucked in and are sinking fast. And, in 2023, it seems the “State is Alpha.”

It’s part of what the Chinese Communists call “The Soft War.” Marxist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) called it “The Long March Through the Institutions.” His theory was that you can install Marxism in a country through societal subversion of reality and values. Regardless of what you call it, we are experiencing events which have been happening in increments for a very long time. (Bongino, Podcast, February 17, 2023.) Our values and religious faith are being replaced by the new faith, worship of the State and its Gender Ideology.

The State is Alpha.

And Education plays a major role in this subversion.


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