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Abolishing Women: The Left’s Movement to Destroy Women’s Sports and Marginalize Women

Support Maryland HB 359: Save Women’s Sports

I’ll never forget the moment that my daughter took her first step onto a collegiate softball field. Playing at a Division One school was her goal for almost her entire life. Because of her smaller stature, she fought and outworked the predictions of many detractors, including a local coach or two, who said she would never be a collegiate athlete, much less a Division One athlete.

Yet, there she was. She wasn’t a walk on. She had been recruited to play softball at a great school!

She had many of the qualities of a great collegiate player, speed, good tracking, a great arm, good hand/eye coordination, strength, mental toughness and she could place hits where she wanted. But she didn’t have size, something many collegiate coaches look for. She overcame the one detriment to her resume with hard work.

Don’t get me wrong. There were some big girls that she played against and with. I believe they had one uniform at her school that would fit her because she was that small. It was always a bit daunting for me to watch while some 200-pound player was on a collision course with my daughter on the base paths.

She played for four years. That in itself is a testimony to her commitment, desire, and mental stubbornness. Playing collegiate sports is not easy, especially when you care about your academics as well.

I wonder if she would even get the opportunity to play now with the blurred lines between those who are biological women and those who aren’t but are playing women’s sports anyway. Look at this testimony:

Listen to All-American Swimmer Riley Gaines Testify about Her Experience Competing Against Biological Male Turned Female Lia Thomas.

2 thoughts on “Abolishing Women: The Left’s Movement to Destroy Women’s Sports and Marginalize Women”

  1. Democrats.

    THE are the ONLY ones forcing this on citizens. And, yes, “forcing” is the correct term.

    To them, the weirder you are, the stranger you act, the more deviant you become, the better it is for everyone else.
    It’s a sad day when your “leaders” want your little girl to be using a bathroom with a full grown bearded man in a dress. Or, having your daughter attend a college where her and her friends are, without warning, forced to undress in front of a man, while in the WOMEN’S locker room.

    Went out of their way to make sure that thing didn’t have his feelings hurt and that he felt “comfortable” being whack and strange. The women’s feelings and sensibilities?
    Not even a consideration.
    In fact, if you brought it up, you were shouted down (by democrats) as racist, homophobic, intolerant, and not worthy of having an opinion.
    ONLY democrats.
    You know when Bill Maher is questioning their agenda on his TV show, the democrats are crossing the “very stupid” line.
    There IS such a thing as “right and wrong”.
    We better start standing up for what’s right, and THIS BS ain’t even a close call.

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