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STUDY: Immunity From Infection As Protective As COVID-19 Vaccination

A new study published Thursday in The Lancet found that immunity granted by a COVID-19 infection is just as strong, if not more so, than the immunity provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine against the virus.

Natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection reduces the risk of hospitalization or death from the virus by 88%, researchers found. The study’s authors wrote that this level of protection was “at least as high, if not higher” than that of two mRNA vaccine doses.

“This is really good news, in the sense that protection against severe disease and death after infection is really quite sustained at 10 months,” Dr. Christopher Murray, the study’s senior author and director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, told NBC News.

Murray added that relying on natural immunity could still be perilous, though, because “you might be one of those people that end up in the hospital or die” on first infection.

The researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 65 studies across 19 countries, the biggest meta-analysis ever conducted on natural immunity from COVID-19. It compared individuals who had recovered from prior infections to those who had not yet been infected as of September, and excluded people who had both natural immunity and had been vaccinated.


2 thoughts on “STUDY: Immunity From Infection As Protective As COVID-19 Vaccination”

  1. Hey !!
    All you “I believe the science!!” bimbo’s that ONLY “believe the science” when it suits your agenda, here some more science FACTS for you to get offended by —-
    Your natural covid immunity acquired by infection is MOST CERTAINLY AND WITHOUT ANY REAL DOUBT, much, much better than any immunity given by the so-called “vaccine” (which is NOT anything close to a real vaccine — (another FACT). It’s the ONLY “vaccine” known to NOT stop the disease it’s supposed to kill. Get “the shot” and you are MORE susceptible (read that again, you Einstein’s) to the covid virus. You may get it three or four times after the “vaccination”. What do you dummies say to that??? “”Well, it’s a good thing I got vaxxed or it would have been much worse”. The most self-serving, idiot statement you could make.
    The “vaccine” actually WEAKENS your immune system and allows OTHER infections to gain hold within the human body (another ESTABLISHED FACT).
    How many polio vaccines did you get? ONE.
    Smallpox? ONE.
    One last fact out of many I could offer — it is NOT NORMAL (despite your earnest protestations) for thousands of very healthy athletes to drop dead from heart attacks at the age of 27. Stop saying that.
    Unless you are democrat, of course. Facts mean nothing to you. Fear mongering? Right up your alley.

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