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Biden’s Damnable Lies About Catholicism

It’s one thing for Joe Biden to put the disposition of his soul at risk on a regular basis by championing abortion and other policies that put him directly at odds with the Catholic Church’s dogmas. It’s an entirely different problem when he misrepresents the Church’s teachings on such matters, misleading potentially millions of Catholics into thinking they can defy the Church and still be devout Catholics in good standing.

And make no mistake, when Joe Biden continues to repeat that he is a devout Catholic (a statement he and his communications team repeats over and over and over again like it’s more of a campaign slogan than a description of faith), he is positioning himself as a lay-spokesman for what the Church represents.

That’s the devilish deal he is making when he uses his religion as a political prop. Inspired by the Kennedy brothers in the 1960s, Biden has utilized the dirty dogmas of identity politics to try and secure the Catholic vote in the same way politicians cynically look at locking down the black vote, Latino vote, or any other ethnic group that can easily be exploited by a cynical partisan.

Back in Biden’s day, the Catholic vote was seen as another ethnic group mostly made up of politically active Irish and Italian Democrats along the East coast. You evoke the Kennedys and talk about your Catholic faith, and you’re sure to get the Knights of Columbus to work on your campaign.

But constantly proclaiming his devout Catholicism makes him a de facto representative of the Church here in America. And when he scandalously misrepresents some of the fundamental dogmas of the faith, he is guilty of deliberately leading others to salvation doom.

Biden’s latest disinformation campaign occurred when he angrily corrected a reporter’s question about the US bishop’s position on funding for abortion.


2 thoughts on “Biden’s Damnable Lies About Catholicism”

  1. and where is the local Pharisee/bishop Koeing on this issue? oh that’s right the catholic church charities receive so much money from the democrat scum in the government that he could never refuse to give this pos communion! the poope would remove him if he corrected this sinner! As a practicing catholic, I find it abhorrent that it is not addressed! Koeing along with satan’s spawn xiden are leading many people to hell!

  2. In practice he’s a heretic. The cardinal in DC and the bishop in Wilmington, DE need to ‘man up’ and publicly deny him the Eucharist and threaten not to bury him.

    In the 50s and 60s physically and morally courageous bishops and clergy resisted the commies in occupied countries and suffered imprisonment and death in some cases while defending their faith and providing a clear signal to believers that His rules govern our lives. Current ‘leaders’ from Rome to DC to DE are disgraceful!

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