Exclusive: Michael Letts spotlights incidents where Americans mistakenly use wrong lane at border
If you are an illegal migrant coming into the United States, you are virtually welcomed. In some case, Customs and Border Patrol will simply tell you to be back at a certain time for a hearing and then let you go. They may even put you up in a nice hotel.
However, if you are a United States citizen returning home from Mexico by car, and you happen to get into the wrong lane, you will be handcuffed, held for hours and have to pay a $5,000 fine or risk having your vehicle impounded.
Isn’t it nice to know that federal government serves its citizens?
The Biden Govt at work !!!
Hey 10:27, It might be barack hussein obama at work
Nah – the bringing up of Barry, the Beast and the Jet setting ice cream woman just aren’t funny anymore. They are boring, in the past and the 2 evil women are OLD, not relevant.
Moving forward, need that new sparky in Salisbury; eventual mindset turnover in OC, getting the old sludge jamming up our reps in Annapolis and another set of House of Rep elections in 2024. Not to mention the 1600 Penn Ave race in 2024. A race without Larry on the Corners participation.
Yep Yep
the illegals dont have money………yet