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Equity means the dumbing down of America

The term “equity” has been bandied about by the left as the new version of equality.

A basic definition of equality is a system that provides the same opportunities to everyone, irrespective of race, sex, religion, etc.  Simply put, it means that we have the right to use our God-given talents to aspire to the goals we seek to achieve.  If you have the intellect, the physical requirements, and the motivation to succeed in any endeavor, you will have the same opportunities as anyone else.  Equity, on the other hand, refers to equality of outcome, notwithstanding the ability, perseverance, and hard work put to the task by each individual.

Therefore, if student A takes his studies seriously and puts in several hours a day to excel, while student  B enjoys watching movies on Netflix and hanging out at the local gym, that should not mean that A deserves higher grades than B.  In the left-wing world of socialist dogma, no one has the right to achieve more than anyone else.  With that in mind, A has no incentive to work harder than B.  Without a carrot at the end of the stick, there’s no motivation to go forward.  The result is the dumbing down of the education system, and with it, the ultimate destruction of our culture.  The blame game allows lazy people to point their accusatory finger at the most industrious in their orbit and claim there’s something wrong with a system that doesn’t reward winners and losers equally.

We find ourselves being chastised by radical groups who allege racism whenever a company, a school, a movie, or a neighborhood is not “balanced” with a percentage of non-white personnel.  Using that logic, every professional basketball team in the country should cut about 80% of their hoopsters and replace them with whites or Asians, inasmuch as blacks represent only about 15% of the country’s population.  We can analyze all other sports, too, eliminating the disparate and “unfair” mixture of the races.  Hockey, primarily played by white athletes, should ensure that at least 15% of its players are black or Asian.

In academia, the snowflakes on the left tell us that our universities are fundamentally racist since, proportionally, more Asians and whites in Ivy League colleges earn academic degrees than their black counterparts.  A few minutes of research would reveal that Asians are discriminated against because of their academic prowess.  One national study of the college experience indicated that a student who identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 points higher than Hispanics, and 450 points higher than blacks in order to gain admission to many institutes of higher learning.  It seems to me that these learning centers are building a system in which the best and the brightest should feel embarrassed by their superiority in their respective endeavors and struggle toward mediocrity.


5 thoughts on “Equity means the dumbing down of America”

  1. Everyone has had Equity until Affirmative Action (Reverse Discrimination ) !!!!! Whites then Don’t have Equity !

  2. meanwhile Globalist Desanctimunius thinks that simply banning black history courses from the BLM will win over us true conservatives….TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This is SO true and it’s been going on for at least 30 years bc I remember being at my grandchild’s field day and they gave ribbons to ALL who participated and I was thinking of when I was a kid and strived to be good enough to get 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place!

  4. I’m OK with guaranteed equal opportunity….

    I’m not OK with guaranteed equal results….

    If you perform better with the same opportunity – there should be a better result with the equity being tied to the performance. Everyone does NOT deserve a participation trophy! If you are from a disadvantaged group and provided the same opportunity and don’t do as well you should NOT get the same reward as the best performer!

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