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Federal Court Rules Racist Messages Are Not Protected Speech, High School Can Expel Student

A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the expulsion of a California student who posted racist messages online.

Cedric Epple, a former student at Albany High School, was expelled along with three other students who posted racist messages, including images of a slave being lynched and photo of a black classmate, with a caption saying Epple was “on the edge of bringing my rope to school on Monday.” The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that the expulsion was justified, stating that the First Amendment does not protect expression that will disrupt classroom activities or target other students.

“Just as a school cannot be forced to teach hate speech, neither should it be forced to entertain and tolerate within its walls hate speech promulgated by arrantly misguided students,” the court opinion stated. “When school authorities take action to root out the persistent echoes of racism that arise from time to time in American society, courts should not stop them, instead allowing racist comments to be rooted out and not deemed protected by the First Amendment. These principles apply with cogent force to hate speech that threatens to dehumanize ethnic or racial groups within our multiracial society.”

Epple created […]

6 thoughts on “Federal Court Rules Racist Messages Are Not Protected Speech, High School Can Expel Student”

  1. So, with the vast amount of woke liberals involved in the school systems across the US I expect the amount of student expulsions will vastly increase, especially in today’s overly sensitive culture. Here’s a scenario to ponder. A white student uses the n-word, which I’m sure is considered hate speech. What if a black student uses the n-word, because lots of young black males call other black males the n-word on a daily basis? Will a black student be treated the same as a white student who uses the n-word, or do they get a free pass because they are black?

    1. Your ass 10:25, I guess you never heard “Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me” from you Mama’s basement.

  2. Free speech.

    But ONLY speech democrats and liberals like, or approve, of…

    I’m telling you, the democrats will soon demand permits and fees (and punishments, too) for mean letters to the editor, for attending churches they don’t think are preaching the “right” messages, and for saying ANYTHING they don’t like…..
    Don’t think so??? You ain’t paying attention.
    Because, as they will tell you, only THEY know what’s “right” and what’s “best” for everyone.
    Keep cheering.

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