This FAKE president Don’t Speak for any of us WHITE people in OUR AMERICA !!!!
It will be a COLD DAY IN HELL before this Monster gives out a PENNY of Our $$$ for that !!!!
Not going to see much of what the readers are doing 10:07. Many don’t understand the question “What will YOU be doing this weekend”. Most want to announce what someone else is doing this weekend, this week, this month, this year. I like reading it too just to see how many commenters don’t really know what they are replying to.
!5,000 more Illegals (Not immigrants ) crossed our border TODAY !!!! Make the Democrat Party use THEIR
money to PAY for all the services they Illegally give them !!!!!!
Coming up on Noon Friday – is that a ball of fire in the sky? Welcome back Mr. Sun! Gonna be a chilly weekend, bourbon seafood and dancing on the agenda. Folks will start checking out next week – should be a very quiet xmas into the new year!
Stay safe and don’t forget our great bartenders/helpers! Tis the season
Trying to navigate College Avenue! What in the hell has that goofy Gay Day done now? That is an unholy mess that is dangerous and stupid!!! If I tear my car up on that mess, I will sue the city and Gay boy Day personally.
Staying away from the Civic Center. Contraband and correctional institution inmate sex on camera. Maybe the new C.E. can transfer some S.R.O. from the sheriffs office to take back control of the mayhem there.
Just trying to survive..
You won’t with Biden in stolen office !
Get a Life !!
Somebody IMPEACH Biden & Harris SOON before they waist any more $$$$$ Billions of our damn Money !!
They only have until Jan 2023 to do more Damage to us all !! Then Republicans Take the HOUSE !!!
Pelosi off on her New jet to Canary Islands for Tea !!!!
10:04 – what does this have to do with what YOU will do this weekend? Go bitch elsewhere.
Pelosi – Hipocrite Violates Democrat GREEN by polluting Our Air with her new Jet !!!
Expose Pelosi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Biden going around the world behind our backs apoligizing for Slavery & offering Billions $$$$ of our money !!
Americans Will NEVER stand for any of it !!!!
Over my dead body !!! NEVER
Time to stock up on Ammo !!! LOL LOL
Lock & Load !!!
Blacks OWE Whites for Affirmative Action Discrimination !!! Take That !!!
Traitor to his OWN RACE !!!!!
Biden !!!!!!
This FAKE president Don’t Speak for any of us WHITE people in OUR AMERICA !!!!
It will be a COLD DAY IN HELL before this Monster gives out a PENNY of Our $$$ for that !!!!
Hippocrit KKK Democrat > Biden !!!!!
Americans still Left Behind (Aghanistan ) !! ( by Biden )
Women / Children Raped & killed because of Biden !!!
Taliban , & all other Terrorists using that Military Gear & Money Biden Left Behind !!!!!!!!!!
Americans still Left Behind (Afghanistan ) !! ( by Biden ) Plus Billions $$$$ in Military Gear & $$$$
= TREASON !!!!
OPEN Border By Biden !!!! Our Country is INVADED !!!! Time to Clean this up !!!!
Checking here to see what others are doing this weekend.
Not going to see much of what the readers are doing 10:07. Many don’t understand the question “What will YOU be doing this weekend”. Most want to announce what someone else is doing this weekend, this week, this month, this year. I like reading it too just to see how many commenters don’t really know what they are replying to.
Border still (ILLEGALLY ) Open !!! Need to send the damn MILITARY there to Stop it !!! Arrest Biden !!!
15,000 a day coming in Plus the Got-a-ways !!!! Deport them ALL to MEXICO to REMAIN !!!
Time to have a Republican Commission to Lock up the Biden Mafia !!!!!
Headed by RUDY !!!!!
Need to DEPORT ALL the Illegals Biden ILLEGALLY let in here that are costing Taxpayers BILLIONS $$$$ !!!!
Make the Democrap Party PAY for it all !!!!!!
Then the Wall would go up Real Fast if the Dummocrats had to foot the Bill !!!!
Schumer , Schiff , Nadler should be Prosecuted to the Fullest Extent of the Law & Imprisoned !!!!
Along with AOC+3 . Maxine Waters , Pelosi !!!!!!
!5,000 more Illegals (Not immigrants ) crossed our border TODAY !!!! Make the Democrat Party use THEIR
money to PAY for all the services they Illegally give them !!!!!!
Coming up on Noon Friday – is that a ball of fire in the sky? Welcome back Mr. Sun! Gonna be a chilly weekend, bourbon seafood and dancing on the agenda. Folks will start checking out next week – should be a very quiet xmas into the new year!
Stay safe and don’t forget our great bartenders/helpers! Tis the season
Living large on the start of 2 weeks off of work.
California needs to be put in CHECK with the rest of the country & take it from the Democrats !!!!!
They offering Reparations too like Biden !!!! California is taken over by Sick Democrats !!!
You’re literally making up things to get mad about.
enjoying the great bike paths in salisbury what idiot would do this
As usual, just checking out what three exclamation point guy has to say…..
Just trying to survive with 9:16.
Trying to navigate College Avenue! What in the hell has that goofy Gay Day done now? That is an unholy mess that is dangerous and stupid!!! If I tear my car up on that mess, I will sue the city and Gay boy Day personally.
Yea Jake fix the f$$&ing roads in da bury! That train track on rt 13 north at the ole es adkins building will jar the hell out of your vehicle.
I know a good lawyer who would just love to take that case. He can’t stand Gay Day either.
Maxine Waters in a Hate the Whites Meeting with Farakon / Sharpton / Jackson / Kamala Harris !!!!!!
MINE the damn Border !!!! SOLVED
Use CLAYMORES on the Border > SOLVED
Staying away from the Civic Center. Contraband and correctional institution inmate sex on camera. Maybe the new C.E. can transfer some S.R.O. from the sheriffs office to take back control of the mayhem there.
ALL EYES on the Illegal Biden OPEN BORDER this week !!!!!!! We Shall see Biden off to Prison !!!!!!!