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Biden Asked Why Dems Don’t Want to Be Seen with Him, Gives Answer So Incoherent People Ask What Language It Is

One wonders who thought it was a good idea for President Joe Biden to show up in Moon Township, Pennsylvania, to campaign for Senate candidate John Fetterman on Thursday. From start to finish, the coverage of the event was a walking, talking argument for invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office — immediately.

The title of a story about the day published on HotAir should give you some idea of how it went: “The Biden-Fetterman rally is every bit as coherent as you’d imagine.”

We’ll start at the end. Biden, with Fetterman and the candidate’s wife, Gisele, and an entourage, walked into a local restaurant.

An unseen reporter shouted, “Mr. Fetterman, why’d you decide to appear up here with Biden now?”

Fetterman ignored the question and moved slowly toward the door.

The reporter then addressed the president, saying, “Sir, why don’t more candidates want to be seen in public with you like Mr. Fetterman?”

Biden approached the reporter and asked what he was talking about.


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