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Biden claims 3 universities wanted to make him their president, but Jill said no

President Biden claimed Friday that three universities reached out to gauge his interest in their top jobs after he left office as vice president in 2017, but that his wife Jill strongly objected.

Biden told the story at Delaware State University while speaking about his cancellation of about $400 billion in student debt — saying it was a “true story.”

“True story: When I left the vice presidency, after Beau died, I wasn’t going to get involved in politics anymore. So I became a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania,” he said.

“But before that occurred, three universities came to me and said they wanted to interview me to consider my being a president of the university.”

The idea was a no-go with his wife, said Biden, who routinely tells false, embellished or unverifiable stories about himself while attempting to connect with his audiences.

“My wife, who’s a professor at a community college, she has two master’s [degrees] and a Ph.D. because she’s smarter than me. And she looked at me, she said, ‘If you do that, I’m leaving you’,” Biden continued.

“She said it’s one of the toughest jobs in America, especially if you start arguing about parking spaces and office windows.”


11 thoughts on “Biden claims 3 universities wanted to make him their president, but Jill said no”

  1. Joe must have listened to a recording of ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ and, true to his plagiarizing heart, he’s both adopted more snippets as part of his imaginary history and additional fictional episodes.

    Future revelations may include:

    How he made sure Lindberg had a French-English pocket dictionary in his flight kit.

    How he used his truck driver wages to post MLK’s bail from Birmingham jail.

    When he sang the Ring Cycle with Yoko Ono.

    That he was drafted to play the Santa role in A Christmas Story when the original actor developed brain freeze from an ice cream sandwich just before filming.

    That as a side gig, he wrote much of the material for Brian Williams’ newscasts. in order to buy art supplies for his youngest son.

    And just like infomercials, Wait, There’s More!

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