In this episode of You Can’t Make It Up, MSNBC Already Did…
It’s almost like MSNBCs twin race-hustlers, Tiffany Cross and Joy Reid, are locked in a daily contest in which they try their damnedest to concoct the most ridiculous race-baiting lie of the day. Far as I can tell, it’s pretty much a dead heat. Toss in “justice correspondent” for The Nation, Elie Mystal, on one of their shows, and that day’s race is in the bag. It makes for great entertainment, of course, and the delusion is epic
In response to Donald Trump’s recent ill-advised warning (threat) that there would be “big problems” in the country if he’s indicted — an irresponsible statement, given the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, like it or not — Mystal went full-metal Mystal. As transcribed by NewsBusters:
The cause of the problem, of course, is Trump himself and his MAGA acolytes themselves, and the people who are willing to do the violence in Trump’s name.
Again, I’m not, I guess I want to say that I’m not surprised that he’s threatening this because, A, he’s literally done it before. And B, this is literally what conservative white folks do when they don’t get their way. They turn violent.. . . White people turn violent when they don’t politically get their way. All the damn time in this country. It’s what they do!
Stop the nonsense for a minute. Imagine the outrage on the left if every time a black person or group of black people turned to violence, Fox News host Tucker Carlson declared:
“This is literally what liberal black folks do when they don’t get their way. They turn violent. Black people turn violent when they don’t politically get their way. All the damn time in this country. It’s what they do!”
Ladies and gentlemen, “journalists” Tiffany Cross and Elie Mystal:
Like a school yard bully, the liberals are trying to incite a race war!
Keep it up and they might just get it!
When Enemy Democrats push their Luck too Far they Will !!!!!
Stealing an election is worth fighting for!
Getting cold fries at McDonalds is NOT !
And Black people dont mmmmmmm say it isnt so
Air-headed dipshits.
They get Violent when they get FAKE NEWS !!!!!
When they are Cheated out of their VOTE for president like 2020 !!!!!
When there is NO Justice for them , like when SCOTUS refused to hear 2020 election case !!!!!
When you Discriminate against their White Race all the time , like Affirmative Action & NAACP !!!!!!
When you try to erase Their Culture , take down their History , Give them NO Govt protections
When you have an Open Border & give their Benefits away to Illegals
When you try to Steal their country from them
When you let a 2020 Democrat COUP remain in office & Ruin the country
When you let Illegals including Ms-13 & the rest come Back into the country after Trump got them Out !!!
When Democrat Party is Never Held Accountable & is allowed to be Above the Law all the time !!!!!!
And they tend to get a little violent when they get a fake president. Who was it that got bitterly violent during all the summer of 2020 riots in the streets, destroying whole cities. If I recall, that was democrats.