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The FDA’s mass murder of more than half a million Americans

HCQ and Ivermectin: The Voldemorts’ of America’s medicine cabinet

The Democrat-controlled House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis has accused us of constantly pressuring then-FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn and his agency to make the antiviral drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) available to outpatients in early treatment use.  We, in turn, accuse Mr. Hahn, his successor Janet Woodcock, Anthony Fauci, and the broader FDA bureaucracy, of the mass murder of more than half of million Americans who needlessly perished from the effects of COVID-19 because they were denied early access to HCQ.

During the early stages of the pandemic in the Spring of 2020 when the battle over HCQ was being fought – Mr. Hahn graphically describes it as a “knife fight” with the White House – Mr. Hahn and his FDA minions never realized or acknowledged that COVID-19 has two-stages.

Stage One is typified by an initial four- to seven-day early phase of upper respiratory tract infection.  At this early stage, COVID-19 is normally self-limiting (although unpleasant) in healthy adults less than 50 years old.  It is also poorly transmitted in children with no co-morbidities. Infected children do not readily pass COVID-19 to adults, or each other.


2 thoughts on “The FDA’s mass murder of more than half a million Americans”

  1. Okay enough is enough, HCQ and Ivermetrin the only approved items too cheap no $ to be made from it. You can make your own HCQ recipes are online:simple to make stuff available in your produce dept. As for Ivermetren, just ask a farmer what they give their animals. You will have to go online to figure out how to use it.

    If you People only understood that this was all part of their New World Order plan to get rid of us. And if you would just do some damn research you would understand that they truly wanted you dead and have been planning this for a long time and did not care how they did it.

  2. And yet there are still those who blindly trust the government and Big Pharma propaganda and continue to get the poisonous so-called booster shots. Many of these people are the ones you see operating a vehicle wearing a mask, while no one else in in the vehicle.

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