Dick Morris, a political activist and adviser to former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, told Newsmax on Saturday that Democrats are giving up on replacing Trump in a 2024 GOP primary, and instead are focusing on using the legal system to preclude him from seeking another term in office.
“I think we have to understand the point I make in my book, ‘The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback,’ Democrats had given up on the political process to keep Trump out of office,” Morris said during “Saturday Report.” “They’ve seen after primary, after primary, after primary, week after week, that Trump is winning everything; and they realized that they can’t beat him in the Republican primary.”
Morris said that with the political option gone, the Democrats now only can try to use the legal system to bar Trump from running in the first place and are using the power of the Department of Justice and FBI to carry that out.
“They had tried to get [Florida Gov. Ron] DeSantis and others into the race, but they see that they’re not going to get in because Trump has a lock on the nomination,” he said. “So what they’re trying to do is to knock him off the ballot through the courts. And the vehicle they’ve chosen is to indict him for sedition, which is the crime that he allegedly committed when they claim that he incited a revolution against the United States on Jan. 6, [2021].”
Morris said that, historically, the idea comes from the post-Civil War era, when a number of former Confederate generals and other officials were elected to Congress, spurring legislation that would bar them from serving because they were part of “the rebellion.”
This, he said, is now the case that the Democrats want to make against Trump, effectively removing him from the ballot in 2024 for being part of the “rebellion” on Jan. 6, when a group of Trump supporters protesting the results of the 2020 election stormed the U.S. Capitol as members of Congress validated the results of the presidential race.
Or Cheat ..That Seems To Work !!!!!!!!