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Hunter Biden scandal may lead right back to Joe

All hell broke loose in Biden World the day The Post broke the first bombshell email from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, on Oct. 14, 2020, three weeks before the presidential election his father would win.

“BIDEN SECRET E-MAILS” read the front page exclusive, revealing a 2015 email from an executive at the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, thanking Hunter for introducing him to Hunter’s then-VP ­father in Washington.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together,” wrote Burisma board adviser Vadym Pozharskyi on April 17, 2015, less than a year after Joe Biden had forced the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor investigating the corrupt company that was paying Hunter $1 million a year.

The story put the lie to Joe’s ­repeated claims that he knew nothing about his son’s overseas business dealings — and risked sinking his presidential campaign.

But as soon as it broke online at 5 a.m., panicked phone calls and messages started flying between Hunter’s business partners and their advisers, even as social media giants Facebook and Twitter moved to censor the story and lock The Post’s account, while candidate Biden went into hiding.


4 thoughts on “Hunter Biden scandal may lead right back to Joe”

  1. There’s no “may Lead ” about it, this was the truth all along and those of us with an IQ of 2 knew it. The left wokes are not as dumb as they would have you think they are, they were dumb enough to get a moran who was not ordered to get a competency test to win the election by rigging poles and destroying trucks of thousands of votes for Trump trashed and electronically at the poles changing the votes. Those of us with an IQ of a above a 2 knew it. The border wall was stopped but now DC wants the National Guard to make it all go away, so does NY and all the states that have told the American people to believe their lies. I pray it takes the immigrants the ones on drugs, the murderers and rapists right to Joe Bye Done’s house, as well as the White House, Pelosi’s, and Schumers house that would be real justice but we know that won’t happen because the police that were supposed to be defunded will do every thing in their power to do their job. Because most of us are real true Americans and we don’t do the crimes, we live right and go to Church and believe in God and always do right by our fellow man because we were raised that way. Thank God we will die when our time comes and God will say well done.

  2. Concerned Retiree

    What is so bad is how crooked the politics on this matter is. All the BIDENS will be pardon if they are even charged on any of the charges. Manafort is still sitting in prison on less charges because he is a REPUBLICAN. All the BIDENS SHOULD be charged including treason. JOE BIDEN should be impeached with the proof they have on him committing high crimes and misdemeanors. DOJ, FBI and the CIA should also be fired, since they are invoved in the coverup.

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