Over the last two weeks of travel over a few hundred miles on13 and 50, we’ve noticed a vast decrease in the numbers of tractor trailers on the roads. The only rigs that we’re seeing are the local chicken trucks and lumber haulers, and a large number of southbound plain white wrapper (no company advertising) trailers driven by owner operators. Nothing north, east or west. No food trucks heading to OC (well, did see two Sysco trucks… for all of OC on Friday…) Wonder what’s up…
Hold on for a second….I’m reviewing the TV script……I see nothing regarding the lack of truck traffic on a major north/south corridor (US13). A major thoroughfare from the NE region to the bowels of SE VA and return.
Ooops, I just found it. Its not scheduled for reporting until after the labor day holiday.
(sarcasm OFF)
Diesel Price will Put them OUT OF BUSINESS !!!! Common Sense
Costs Thousands to fill up a single Truck with Fuel > Because of GREEN PEDO BIDEN !!!!!
Can’t get YOGURT or DOG FOOD or Cat Food !!!!!
3:31………I can’t afford to eat that stuff either!