Even liberals are admitting that the witch hunts against President Donald Trump are backfiring.
Matt Taibbi wrote an article for his substack pointing out how all of the failed investigations into Trump have hurt Democrats.
Tonight was meant to be the grand primetime finale of the January 6th hearings, but those have been postponed. MSNBC’s Ali Vitali, when asked the reason, answered in classic fashion. “Look,” she said. “You have to infer that the reason for that is they’re getting new cooperation, not least of which from former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone…”
I’d planned to live-blog the hearings this evening over an introduction of the six-year history of the “We’ve definitely got him now!” show. Hearings are off, but it’s all worth reviewing anyway, especially since other events are conspiring to answer the question of just what all these years of efforts have won Democrats politically, which seems to be, not much.
The Endless Prosecution not only failed to win Trump’s accusers the public’s loyalty, it apparently achieved the opposite, somehow swinging working-class and even nonwhite voters toward Republicans in what even Axios this week called a “seismic shift” in American politics.
Recent polls have shown Trump’s 2024 chances are stronger than ever.
And their first clue was their stupidity and short sightedness.
Their Lies ONLY make Trump & America STRONGER & the Democrat Party WEAKER !!!!! LOL
Ban Congress Commissions & use REAL COURTS !!!!!!
To late for them now….even money he announces that he is running after the midterms and will ride in on the red tidal wave coming to wipe out the flaming liberal democrats. Get the popcorn out ‘cause this is gonna be fun!
“Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” That’s a famous quote but I forgot who actually said it.
TRUMP !!!!!
How Many Times do the Democrat Scum Kangaroo court get to go after TRUMP or ANYBODY !!!! ?????
OJ SIMPSON could Only be tried ONCE !!!!! TRUMP was CLEARED TWICE already !!!!!
& they Still going after him OVER & OVER & OVER !!!!!!
Good Mourning America News Democrat Puppets like George ( Hillary Pinocio )
still bring up every mourning their Dummocrat Commission worthless Accusations !!!!
If their becoming weaker is an indicator, yes, Trump is becoming stronger, and every bit of it is on them. We’re all tired of empty promises, unending TDS innuendo and fake hearings and baseless impeachment attempts, denying a certainly manipulated election, two boobs at once in the White House, and perpetual support for the unsupportable by the MSM and people with too much money and not enough brains to think for themselves.
No one likes a bully – and they have been with their Russia hoax and unconstitutional impeachments.
And no one likes a thief – and the 2020 election had plenty of holes in it enough to require questions we are somehow racist for asking????
Yeah, America with Donald Trump as president will be a blessing.
They KNOW TRUMP WILL WIN AGAIN ( & he WON 2020 too ) !!!!!!
And I hope they worry their azzes off like we’ve had to do since Biden has been in office. Trump was very good for our country and Biden has completely destroyed it, along with all who voted for him and think like him.
It’s the constant Trump noise from the Left that shows us all what they are: weak.
MAGA 2024 or SOONER if TRUMP is Re-Instated , since he DID WIN 2020 !!!!!! Dumocrats Better WORRY !!!!!
KEEP making Trump ( the Real President ) STRONGER !!!!!! MAGA
TRUMP was CLEARED on TWO Democrat Impeachment Scams !!!!! So they may as Well GIVE UP !!!! LOL
trump will be the first american to win 3 presidential elections
He has to win one first.
“The finest steel is forged in the hottest fire.” Seems applicable!
And OTOH, Kamala was never vetted or tested as Kingmaker Willie Brown arranged her career moves. She never had to prove herself, except when they were alone. The result: crappy SF DA, lousy CA AG, woeful CA Senator and among the worst VPs in history in a job pockmarked by undistinguished predecessors!