This article is for anyone who doubts that the 2020 Election was stolen. Please take a look at these two videos.
These videos come from the Lone Racoon on Telegram (Jeff O’Donnell) and were reposted by Lady Draza on Telegram (Draza Smith).
These videos show Edison data as it was reported to the media during the 2020 Election in two counties in PA.
You would think that votes would come in and then be counted, and the eventual winner would be the candidate with the most votes.
But that was not the case in this election.
Data came in and was classified as ‘in person’ or ‘mail-in’ and edited and reclassified over and over and over again.
I just saw the movie 2000 mules last night.
They showed documented evidence of ballot stuffing and gps tracking of
people paid to stuff ballot boxes with ballots. Isn’t it funny how at midnight, Trump had won by a landslide, but magically the next morning Biden had won? How about those Biden rallies showing little to no one showing up, yet all of Trumps rallies were standing room only?
Just Watch OAN news & you will see ALL the PROOF that Democrats STOLE ELECTION 2020 !!!!
Mike Lindell PROVED the WHOLE Democrat COUP 2020 on OAN (One America News ) !!!!!!!!
And ALL of America Knows it !!!!!
When the Supreme Court REFUSES to hear a National Election case , that shows FRAUD !!!!
Let’s go to COURT & we will PROVE TRUMP WON 2020 !!!!! Are you Scared ??? You must be
Democrat !!!!!!
Court should have to Hear a National Election Case > Should be MANDATORY !!!!!
Denying Americans their day in COURT > Denys JUSTICE !!!! Should be ILLEGAL !!!!!
Court is a MUST if you want to do things the LEGAL WAY & Not RIOTS & Insurrection !!!! PERIOD
2020 Democrat COUP stealing Trump Votes !!!!! First in American History & now we Pay for Allowing it !!!!!
Democrats caused the Insurrection Not trump Voters ( Most of America ) when they DENIED our Day in
COURT !!!!!
Corrupt COURTS are just as BAD as a Corrupt CONGRESS & White House !!!!