This is war. We need to go on the offensive. It starts by describing the four corners of deceit, exposing them, and actually taking them back. It is late, but never too late.
Here is the hard-discovered truth.
The Left, which now controls all the centers of power and the commanding heights of the world economy, seeks to codify their ideology as science, and thereby make it irrefutable. You can’t disagree with it or you are a kook or insurrectionist. You are outside what Thomas Kuhn, called the “paradigm of normal science.”
Think about it. Everything these authorities tell you is true is, in fact, precisely the opposite of the truth.
Global warming is a hoax.
Universities are about indoctrination, not education.
Government is a form of manipulation with a two-tiered justice system.
The media is fake and journalism died long ago.
Global warming is a hoax. (AGREED)
Universities are about indoctrination, not education. (DISAGREE, the majority are about education – yet the true spin is about money and as a nation we are waking up that not ALL need a formal education. This will piss off the Universities since they love money….well maybe we just keep bringing in foreign students and having specially quotas. THAT is a topic that really needs to be discussed. Getting into college should be any different that getting a job (BEST QUALIFIED) – ooops, that doesn’t work anymore either.
Government is a form of manipulation with a two-tiered justice system. (DISAGREE, without a form of government – local/state/fed, things would be the wild wild west. Sad part, folks that want to serve don’t have the money to run; aren’t recognized so those have “hooks” can and continue to serve. Definitely an issue, but money talks. Careful with pointing fingers cuz its with BOTH political parties.)
The media is fake and journalism died long ago. (AGREED. We lost the news when ratings/money became the lead to attract eyes. The majority that watches the news – BOOMERS. News industry won’t have the population too much longer so need to change business process. Let them all go and see how they like it in the REAL world!)
The financial system is a Ponzi scheme. (AGREE and DISAGREE. Has to do with personal preference with a job (Blue or White collar) and spending patterns. Do ALL need the brand new cell phone? Do ALL need the next new car? LOTS of new paper license plates out there – how are all affording those new cars??? The financial system is sound, society no longer is!
Trump did not collude with Russia. (AGREED)
The border is wide open. (AGREE unfortunately)
Inflation is not transitory. (AGREE – inflation is not permanent)
Defunding the police increases crime. (AGREED!)
The pandemic did not originate in a wet market from pangolins. (AGREE – hadnt heard that one. I figure folks are still looking for that bat, like OJ is still looking for the killer!)
Joe Biden is illegitimate. (AGREED)
Crackhead Hunter is not innocent. (AGREED)
Epstein didn’t kill himself. (don’t care)
Black Lives Matter and critical race theory are not about racial justice. (AGREED – all about the benjamins)
Women are not men and vice versa. (ABSOLUTELY!)
Virtue signaling isn’t about virtue. (SEE next statement)
Religion is not malevolent. (True statement. Now many here on DELMARVA will disagree with this comment. Religion should not be pushed on anyone – nor should anyone think differently about others if they don’t have the exact same religious beliefs. One has beliefs of all sorts and thats ok. As it pertains to religion It could be easily handled as you do you and I will do me. Its a shame it isn’t and folks jump to prove their belief as absolutely correct. Now fire away Lucifer writer!)
I hate Mondays!
Yeah yeah, it’s all Kool-Aid if you’re a dope looking to any of them to believe something or be affirmed in some way. Live your own life. Rule your household family and finances like a true Provider. Don’t get caught up in the mess. Who’s President matters no more to me than Ronald McDonald.