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A Viewer Writes: Text

I just got a non solicited text from a group of extreme liberals running for school board!! After investigation there credentials it appears they are woke liberals bent on indoctrination not teaching!!!
How can I help to rid this trash from our school system!!!

23 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes: Text”

  1. Don Baysinger

    Publish their names so everyone knows who they are. That way we are informed NOT to vote for them!

  2. Was fortunate in my area to have four candidates band together and get out what they believe the school should be. Main message- Education not Indoctrination. Also trust our Sheriff and his endorsement.

  3. The real extremists are the fools running for school board who have always sent their elitist prep school kids to private school (Beauchamp and Groves) and now want to control MY kids education and tax money….especially that twice convicted pedo named Lombardo…

    1. Lmao bless your heart 10:26. Spoken like a true lefty. Bet you’re ok with public schools indoctrinating your kids🙄 Susan you have my vote 🙌🏻

  4. The primary elections are the first place to start. In most cases the primary elections are the only place to insert change – if your party’s incumbent wins the primary election – you have a choice – vote for the other party’s guy – or re-elect the incumbent!

    DelMarVa Conservative Movement has a list of conservative school board candidates…

    Research – and vote!

    1. The Delmarva (Fake) conservative movement) is a BS group run by one guy…Lombardo….he is openly against long time proven conservatives likes Mr. John Palmer and Tonya Lewis and all of their candidates send their own kids to private school…sorry…no one is buying your BS…..

  5. Well just as bad is the rogue “Delmarva Conservative Movement” consisting of Woke members Darren Lombardo, Julie Giordano, James Winn, Shane Baker, Nicole Acle, Kristin Hazel, Kimberly Groves and Susan Beauchamp. Only a fool would vote for those radicals.

    1. Amen…despite all her talk…Julie Giordano is best friends with the head of the Salisbury’s PFAG group… should look up what those sickos do…..maybe we should call her Groomerdano? I’ll go with the guy who has been lifetime LEO and an actual conservative who is supported by our sheriff. 2ND Amendment ALL THE WAY!!!!

  6. Good. I consider anyone who DOESNT pull their kids of of the satanic public schools to be evil at this point.

    1. This a response from a Doctoral Retired Member of NEA, and Senior Fellow at The Institute of Military, Scientific & Industrial Research, and The Senior Stem Fellow at The Institute for Research and Development for Education.

      Lets look at the facts. Leave all the bush league comments out. Whn you vote in the primaries tomorrow you should consider the following:

      Read the article on about Maryland and Wicomico County Academic performance and proficiency.

      Anyone who was on the Wicomico Board of Education from 2003 to 2019 and in Administration overseeing Academic performance should be run out of town on a rail. Teachers need to be called out for failing to increase or improve academic performance and proficiency across all subjects tested by NAEP and MCAP. Bonnie Ennis should have been fired in 2019. She has been in charge of Academic Improvement in Wicomico County. There has not been any. Look at the data for MCAP for 2015 -2019 in Wicomico County.

      John Palmer should resign along with all the other current members. They have failed the public trust. In 2022, only 773 students took aptitude tests. 753 for the SAT and only 20 for the ACT.

      We need professionals in public education who are in their field as a vocation. Teachers, and Administrators should be held accountable. If you don’t perform, then your contract should not be renewed.

      1. Hey Vinny, we don’t need more government mandated tests….they should be done away with totally…most of the wokesters like Lombardo and Hazel are openly in support of MANDATED standardized testing…no thanks…..

        1. The largest Teachers Union is the United States, The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) commissioned a poll from Hart Research Associates Conducted.

          Remember who the customer is in public education. The Parent’s child. Parents make decisions on what party they trust based on what they see throught the eyes of their children and from their own eyes. They want their children to be educated not indoctrinated. The customer is always right.

  7. Share the texts and names…….can’t be informed if all we get is statements without facts.
    Where is the BEEF?

    (look that phrase up snowflakes, it comes from the 1980s)

  8. its simple…if you put your kids in globalist private school for decades (beauchamp, groves and Lombardo…wink wink) and now suddenly want to tell me and my kids what do in our public ones…you have no right to be the kingmaker politician…..its like asking BLM to run a police department….crazy and evil. At least Hazel has a few special kids in the system and I can respect that more….but I will not betray proven conservative voices like Mr. Holloway, Mrs. Lewis, and Mr. Palmer…these are the people holding the line from the Marxists in the public schools….

  9. I would have voted for Beauchamp and Hazel but they have both publicly supported Donna Hanlin’s handpicked insider who is now the new WOKE superintendent…no way…that’s the tip off about their real views…..

  10. The indian Gandhi guy (Arvin?) running against Lewis actually has some good business ideas…it would be good to get an actual businessman on the board of ed to help with the financial literacy and trade school plans….what do we know about Beauchamp other than she sends her kids to private school?

  11. 12:43 PM I agree 100%. There is one snake in this election that is slithering along unnoticed. This person has turned everything he has touched to ashes. This is the husband of Julie’s campaign treasurer, David Cooper. Nothing more needs to be said.

  12. Stop the teachers Union in the Whole State and things will be better. Winning office in the school and still having, The Union, does not help much, because of the Up Top from Maryland’s Big City across the bay.

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