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Trump Destroys Crazy NeverTrumper RINOs Especially Peggy Noonan After She Drastically Understates Trump’s Popularity with Republicans

The leadership of the GOP never accepted President Trump.  They disliked him for taking what they thought was theirs and they still do.  

Every step that Donald Trump took after coming down the escalator to announce his candidacy for President was attacked by not only the socialist Democrats but also the RINO leadership of the Republican Party.

President Trump was attacked not only by socialists from the left who hated him, but from ignorant commentators on the right who hated him more.  These people never understood that President Trump stood for and with the American people.  This is what MAGA was and is all about.

The Obama Administration destroyed America in every way it could.  Americans wanted a fighter who would take on these liberal communist monsters.  Instead of standing with the American people, petty RINO pundits joined the communists and went after President Trump.

This all came to a head with the stolen election and the actions of the socialists and RINOs to cover it all up. Now the socialists turned communists are targeting innocent Americans for made-up charges and these same GOP ‘losers’ remain silent.


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