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Fiona Hill Tries to Own the Orange Man, Inadvertently Admits Why Putin Wanted Joe Biden

Fiona Hill is quite the character. She was a star witness at Donald Trump’s first impeachment, which centered around the ridiculous idea that he was subverting American foreign policy, despite the fact that the president sets American foreign policy. There was also never any direct evidence offered that Trump arranged a “quid pro quo” with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, with both men denying the charge.

Of course, because everything is always connected in Washington, D.C., Hill also played a role in the Steele Dossier, introducing Christopher Steele to what would become one of his primary sources. Later, she lied about those contacts before Congress. Further, Hill made bizarre statements during the impeachment hearings, asserting that Ukraine had not tried to interfere in the 2016 election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. As I wrote at the time, that’s just patently false.

Overall, Hill has often shown herself to be a bureaucratic hack with far-left tendencies and an unhealthy obsession with Ukraine. That continued after Russia’s invasion of the Eastern European nation. Hill has repeatedly stepped in to defend Joe Biden, despite the fact that Putin waited until he took office to make his move. In doing so, she’s often tied herself in knots trying to slam Trump while excusing Biden’s failures in ways that just don’t make sense.

That happened again recently, with Hill attempting to take another shot at Trump while speaking at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, another globalist organization full of over credentialed mediocrities. In doing so, she inadvertently admitted that Putin preferred Biden be in office before making his move. After some conservatives responded by pointing out what she said, charges of “misconstruing her words” arose.

Here’s exactly what she said. You can also click here for the full video.


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