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Route 90 Dualization Project Now In Environmental Study Phase; Traffic Light Upgrades Planned

Route 90 Dualization Project Now In Environmental Study Phase; Traffic Light Upgrades Planned
File Photo by Chris Parypa

OCEAN CITY — Resort officials were presented their bi-annual spring update from the State Highway Administration (SHA) on various traffic-related projects finished or in the planning stage in and around the Ocean City area.

Twice a year, SHA officials come before the Mayor and Council to provide an update on various projects, upgrades and future plans in and around the resort area. On Tuesday, SHA District Engineer Jay Meredith and his staff came before an abbreviated council with just four sitting members present to provide the annual update.

There are no major repaving projects planned for Coastal Highway in the next cycle, although the Route 90 corridor expansion project approved last summer by Gov. Larry Hogan is in the environmental assessment phase. Otherwise, Meredith provided a punch list of SHA projects around the resort to improve traffic flows and enhance pedestrian safety, for example.

Meredith said SHA’s year in Ocean City got off to an unusual start with a major snowstorm in January. SHA crews deployed a new snow removal plan for Coastal Highway in which heavy snow was pumped from the highway into trucks before being transported to the Inlet parking lot.


7 thoughts on “Route 90 Dualization Project Now In Environmental Study Phase; Traffic Light Upgrades Planned”

  1. And twice a year the SHA meets and says we understand your concerns and will start the process of looking into dualization.

    Its not just adding 2 bridges. Its widing route 90 from route 50 to coastal highway and the reverse. 12 miles. Interchange at Isle of Wight, routes 589, 113, that little bridge between 589 and the 1st 90 bridge (going over ocean pines). The 346 overpass from route 50 onto 90 (state Leos are always under that bridge). Wet land disruption, etc etc. 5 years if all is on schedule….prob a 10 year project.

    All the while, the senior citizen (route 50 bridge and MAJOR entrance into OC) get older. Imagine the traffic during construction.

    Theres many other infrastructure needs in MD.

    See u in 6 months SHA.

  2. SHA can’t take care of the roads they have now . Look at how tall the grass is along any state highway inWorcester county. Looks like poor management and even poorer employees. The state roads ever looked this bad when they had employees that wanted to work. Looks like to me some changes need to be made.

    1. So true and all I ever see the SHA employees ever do is just ride around and set cones out everywhere
      All that high dollar equipment and multiple employees just riding around to move and set up orange cones/barrels
      Don’t even need a high school education to that

  3. Will not happen. There is NO money. Bay bridge? Hahahahaha….current city hall wont be around for wind mills (hahahahahahahhahaha) dualization of 90, new 50 bridge or when our JOE becomes mayor.

    We STILL want to know about anger mgmt Mark Paddock.

    No we will NOT let it go.

  4. How about in Salisbury putting up LIGHTS where needed > Snow Hill Rd & Johnson rd Corner / Tilghman rd
    & Mt Herman rd Corner !!!!!!!! Long Over due !!!!!

    The snow hill rd one is Already Paid for by the development behind it SO > NO EXCUSES !!!!!

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